A heart transplant recipient (Joanna) finds herself challenging authority after receiving an unruly heart.
H.O.A. Gangster
A Millquas Production
In association with Lucero Media & NacPac Films
Joanna, (40’s) Wife, Mother, and reading enthusiast, has recently received a new heart from anunknown donor. A year after the transplant takes place, her husband, 2 kids, and book club start to notice that she has some unruly behavior emerging and when the local HOA president oversteps his bounds, things start to get a bit more risky.
H.O.A. - Gangster is expected to be an ‘R’ rated Comedy for some crude language, drinking, and scenes of torture.
Still in Production…
“HOAG” is currently in production and is slated for a 2026 release. Browse the images and the pitch scene, or if you’re a Producer, check out our downloadable pitch deck with the button above.
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South Jordan, UT